cool - gear girl

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Dec 2 17:40:09 CET 2008

Andrew Robinson schreef:

> Funny that we should get onto the subject of xylophones, I'm currently
> trying to get to grips with the iPhone SDK and (for a nice easy first
> app) write a simple xylophone - there isn't a free one, and I have
> ideas for a nicer 'pro' paid version at minimum store price.
> Unfortunately getting to grips with objective C isn't a quick process
> for my aging mind, especially as all the tutorials all start of with
> 'It's a lot like C++', which I don't know, all the C++ tutorials start
> off with 'It's a lot like C', which I don't know.? What I actually
> know are Basic, Actionscript, Z80 assember,  6502 assember, Ample and
> a smattering of Pascal. Currently I'm learing C, then unlearning C and
> learing C++ 'on the fly' then unlearning C++ and relearning Objective
> C 'on the fly'.

Oh dear, poor thing. :)

Unless you have a clear requirement to learn C++, I'd stay away from it. 
Even from C, perhaps. C++ is a rather complex language, and cryptic in 
an attempt to retain C source compatibility. C is not object-oriented, 
and could teach you the wrong approach.

Trust Apple to use a language that nobody else still uses...

- Peter

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