Favour - any German speakers with a microphone?

K9 Kai Niggemann canine at waf80.de
Sun Sep 7 16:24:54 CEST 2014

I think i can help you there...;-)

"Dry Mark dry-cig, bittuh." Would be the generally used sentence. 

I'll record it tonight, ok?

Sent from my phone

On 07.09.2014, at 16:12, "foRUMS 4 punkdISCO" <forums at punkdisco.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi all
> We have a song where a German barman asks for payment.  We are not sure if we want a male voice but fancy giving it a go..  So, if any of you have a voice that sounds like a young 20ish German barmen and have the time, we would love to hear an audio clip of you asking for:
> “3.30 Deutsche Marks please”
> Btw, I presume this would translate to: “3 und 30 Deutsche Marks bitte”?  It’s a difficult one to google as if you put “3.30DM” into a translation site, you get things like “3 comma 30” rather than what would be said in real life..
> The track is 136bmp and whilst the vocal should sound like real life, it should be reasonable in-tempo
> Beat       1              2              3                              4
>                 3 und     30           Dutsche Marks  bitte
> As you might guess with our stuff, audio quality is not important J 
> Big thanks..
> Paul
> London
> www.punkdisco.co.uk
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