Favour - any German speakers with a microphone?

foRUMS 4 punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Sun Sep 7 16:12:13 CEST 2014

Hi all


We have a song where a German barman asks for payment.  We are not sure if
we want a male voice but fancy giving it a go..  So, if any of you have a
voice that sounds like a young 20ish German barmen and have the time, we
would love to hear an audio clip of you asking for:


"3.30 Deutsche Marks please"


Btw, I presume this would translate to: "3 und 30 Deutsche Marks bitte"?
It's a difficult one to google as if you put "3.30DM" into a translation
site, you get things like "3 comma 30" rather than what would be said in
real life..


The track is 136bmp and whilst the vocal should sound like real life, it
should be reasonable in-tempo


Beat       1              2              3                              4

                3 und     30           Dutsche Marks  bitte


As you might guess with our stuff, audio quality is not important :)  


Big thanks..






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