New DSI Synth - Mopho x4

Tony Scharf noisetheorem at
Fri Aug 3 00:39:23 CEST 2012

On the magic of old all comes down to entropy.

As the parameter space of a synth increases, so is the likelihood that any
given combination of parameters will result in displeasing noise (an
unordered state) as opposed a pleasing sound (a highly ordered state).  Old
synths had narrower parameter ranges (though infinite discrete values) and
those ranges were set in a way as to keep the user out of the noise space.

Modern synths, on the other hand, give you a wide parameter space and more
parameters and dont protect you from noise (here is a rope, go hang

I prefer to have the choice of hanging myself.
On Aug 2, 2012 4:53 PM, "Andrew Tarpinian" <andrewtarpinian at>

> On Aug 2, 2012, at 7:36 AM, punkdISCO wrote:
> > Hey Tony
> >
> >> DSI syntha are not easy to program until you really get to know them.
> >
> > For sure but, the one person who should know how to coax a good demo
> sound out of a DSI synth is surely Mr DS himself..??
> I also seem to think that modern DS synth do not sound great, and the
> presets are the worst. I have the mopho desktop and unfortunately find it
> too hard to program even with the crap software editor, so it's hard for me
> to even try to make a nice sound. But that does not mean I don't kinda want
> one of these a little bit :)
> It's funny because I love the sound of my SixTrack (doesn't tune so well
> anymore though,) every sound out of it sounds good. I think the problem is
> these modern analog synths have too much going on, that can lead to "bad"
> sounds. The older ones were much simpler and focused, so every sound
> sounded great -> that meant you were great at making sounds -> and that in
> turn makes you think that those synths were some how magic.
> Elektron uses this idea, also Apple : )
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