speeding up older iphone 3G

Michael Zacherl. EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Aug 5 18:01:31 CEST 2010

Actually I pretty much ignored the iPhone so far ... ok, not entirely I looked at it a couple of times and evaluated it.

However, during my stay in Wageningen I had the opportunity to play with and actually use a 3GS a bit.
(thanks a lot to Kristin who kindly lent her phone to me)

So, pushing my ignorance aside the only thing which makes me hesitant is the price of a contract and the provider I'd have to choose.
(my current provider is a cheap one, no standing charge rather low call charges)

Seeing the next wave of hype already on the horizon I ask myself if it might be possible to get a used 3GS, jailbreak it and insert the SIM-card I already have?
I wouldn't need a mobile data connection for the time being and if that changes I easily could upgrade my existing contract (which is sensibly priced as well)

Would that work or is that a daft idea?


On Aug 2, 2010, at 14:44 , Gert van Santen wrote:

> Grmblll. I ordered one a week ago. Got an e-mail last Friday: Expected delivery in 8-10 weeks. WTF!
> Gert van santen
> www.gertvansanten.nl
> Op 2 aug. 2010 om 12:26 heeft Larry Pham <numode at gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:
>> Another great tip for speeding things up is getting the iPhone 4. I'm in love :)
>> Coming from the 3G, iPhone 4 is fast and it is no beautiful!!
>> Larry
>> On 2010-07-25, at 7:45 AM, Gert van Santen wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> If you have an older iPhone 3G, which has gotten slow, esp. after 
>>> installing iOS4, here is a great tip from Joost's website. I just 
>>> performed the simple instructions myself. The whole thing will 
>>> cost you about 15 minutes tops, and it works!
>>> http://jstsch.com/post/speed_up_your_iphone
>>> Makes a big difference!
>>> -- 
>>> Gert

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