New track - Terminator

Mikael Hansson EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Nov 13 20:35:47 CET 2008

Hi Martin,

Martin Naef wrote:
> Typical Micke quality - your style is very recognisable, and there's a 
> good deal of variation in the track. Cool stuff!

Thanks! Recognisable is good (imho)! I have since 2-3 years found my 
'style' and technique for making tracks which leads to many more 
finished tracks from all my 8-bar ideas. Atm I have around 4-5 strong 
candidates waiting to be fully developed :)

> Listening to the track on headphones at the moment, there are a few mix 
> issues that rub me a bit.
> Generally, the track is a bit too agressive for my taste. Particularly 
> the sawtooth bass-synth covers an extremely wide spectrum, it is a bit a 
> too prominent with the high harmonics. I'd either try a touch of 
> high-shelving EQ to reduce these harmonics, and/or balance it with some 
> more power in the lower-mids from other instruments. I'd also reduce the 
> kick drum a bit, the track is pumping too much for my taste (but then, 
> some people like that...).

Personally I like the overharmonic sound of the track but it might sound 
better with a bit of EQ. I'll try it out.

I'll check out the kick level as well. It's only a headphonemix so far 
so it's probably not superbalanced :) (although I know my headphones 
quite good by now)

Thanks for helping out!


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