New track - Terminator

Thu Nov 13 21:17:37 CET 2008

Hi Micke

Mikael Hansson wrote:
>> Generally, the track is a bit too agressive for my taste. Particularly 
>> the sawtooth bass-synth covers an extremely wide spectrum, it is a bit a 
>> too prominent with the high harmonics. I'd either try a touch of 
>> high-shelving EQ to reduce these harmonics, and/or balance it with some 
>> more power in the lower-mids from other instruments. I'd also reduce the 
>> kick drum a bit, the track is pumping too much for my taste (but then, 
>> some people like that...).
> Personally I like the overharmonic sound of the track but it might sound 
> better with a bit of EQ. I'll try it out.

It's obviously a matter of taste. Personally, I'd favour filling the mid 
range a bit more to offset the aggressive harmonics over EQ in this case.

> I'll check out the kick level as well. It's only a headphonemix so far 
> so it's probably not superbalanced :) (although I know my headphones 
> quite good by now)

Yeah, headphones are good but never quite there... I have to say that I 
really grew fond of my new monitor controller, which makes it even 
faster to switch between headphones and the monitors at various levels. 
Best way to work around the various psycho-acoustic tricks that ears 
tend to play on us...


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