Mastering in General (was: RPM08 Mastering?)

Thu Feb 21 16:27:03 CET 2008

Hi Michael

Michael Z. - Noiseconformist wrote:
>>>> ...which might mean that some overall reverb must be added...
>>> help!!  ;-)
>> Why? You do play your stuff live, right? Do you hand out headphones to
> everybody? ;-)

> no, not yet - but others did.
> The playing-live discussion is a different one:

I know. I just replied to your total aversion against reverb. ;-)

> BTW, in SOS March08 there's a nice "Sounding off"-article about
> mono-compatibility.

Hmm, can't remember that one. Funny enough, the last recording I've done 
was the exact oppositive of mono: Ambisonic, hence full "3D". It's quite 
an experience to listen to the concert again in full glory, although it 
also means I captured all the rustling and shuffling of the audience...

> Put this way, playing live is probably the only way to ensure that your
> listeners have virtually the same listening experience (despite all the

There is more to this, actually: The audience can also have a strong 
influence on the overall mood of the concert. Last summer's "Dance of 
the Spirits" project was played on two consequtive evenings. The 
experience was really quite different, just because of the different 
audiences - one of them perfectly quiet and very attentive, the other 
one obviously a bit uneasy and restless.

I'm getting carried away now... ;-)



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