Trying my best
Gert van Santen
Wed Feb 13 12:20:12 CET 2008
The Dong schreef:
> Gert van Santen wrote:
>> Ha, that's cool!!!!!
> Chopping the loops.
> Cross-fading the chops ;)
> They can't (be bothered to) play to a metronome.
> It was a similar arrangement to that Crusty Brown Pie <song> I let loose
> the other week, so you know how much -artistic license adjustments- I
> did to their song. They almost have enough material for another Pube
> Soup Album. But I have to get motivated..
> Maybe this album will be 'Crusty Electro' or something, with tinges of
> paedophiliphobia and octogenariaphobia. Ohh. non-words.
> My ^^^^^^ name's in there somewhere ;)
> I show Jamie how to do this stuff, but maybe I'm going too fast.
> "Just record all your stuff, don't care about timing too much, then
> export the tracks and open in wavelab and roughly drag and drop the
> loops you want into new wavs, making sure to remove DC offsets and
> normalise (to -2 dB should be ok), select the whole new wave and drop
> the green loop markers, then use the crossfade looper to get it about
> bang on. Save all these loops into your working directory for Live or
> your other digital seq. and get reconstructing into verses and choruses."
Well, that was more or less what I was
planning to do with the files I got from
you - but I didnt get to it (working on
a lot of other stuff).
I guess I'll let you do it, then -
you're good at it, and it sounds really
cool :-))
G e r t v a n S a n t e n
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