nice Puredata patch ..

Tue Feb 12 20:52:05 CET 2008

K9 Kai Niggemann wrote:
> unfortunately PD is so near and yet so far to MaxMSP that it confuses  
> me a bit right now. Must come back to it a bit later... and learn more  
> Max first....;)

I see what you mean. I did experiment with a bit of PD, but quickly went 
back to Max in order not to be confused - I use Max at work, so I need 
my reflexes on that one.

> I have started to learn "Processing" using this book by the authors of  
> the language and it's a lot of fun:

How's the book? Is it focusing a lot on the language itself, or rather 
on creative concepts? I might pick something up as well, but I'd need 
inspiration on the creative side, and very little in the way of software 

> Someday I will have something to show you all, in the meantime you can  
> marvel at the creations of more able minds than me on this excellent  
> flickr group:

Some very nice examples indeed! Do you have any clear ideas what you 
intend to achieve, or are you just playing around at this stage?



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