Vimeo the higher quality YouTube?

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Apr 18 11:32:43 CEST 2008

Chris Strellis schreef:
>>>>>>>>> Gear pr0n alert <<<<<<<<
> 'Fat Bastard' what a modular synth!...but not patched at all.........
>>From Lester himself...
> " The track on the clip was from an album I produced about 12 years back
> ( when DnB was emerging into the main stream over here )  - sadly I
> didn't have any modular gear at that stage so its only got Xpander and
> VCS3 bleeps as analogue the rest is digital..    Fat Bastard is going to
> be used in new projects - (from that home studio)"
> Makes me feel a whole lot better about the amount of gear I have....

Wow! That is definitely awesome! And I mean the synth, the video 
(cool tune), the quality and the website.

To be honest, I would not want to have such a huge modular 
system. It looks great, but to think that for changing sounds it 
might take hours to repatch. I'd rather use my NM G2 :-) And I 
really like presets too (even if I am the only one). ;-)

Thanks for the link!



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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