Akai MPC Key 61 - thoughts?

Ibi Sum ibisum at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 17:01:18 CEST 2022

Yeah, I’m loving your well-saged advice Tony, and take it all onboard … 

And well it’s on its way now anyway and my pals will loan it for me to review it now and then, I’ll let you know my jam perspective .. the intended purpose was to have an all in one MPC+stage friendly performance option, and as few cables as possible (important fun fact: hear this all the time) and it fits that bill pretty well, especially because the MPC guy in the group is going to load up a decades worth or two of his own cultivated samples, so .. another big factor.

Sure is good times to be a musician, so many tools and wonders to be had with them…


> On 29.06.2022, at 15:58, Tony Scharf <tony.scharf at outlook.com> wrote:
> Just to make it clear: the Plugins are all included with the MPC Key 61.   They are an added cost for other MPC users.
> Tony
> From: Jay Vaughan
> Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2022 8:42 AM
> To: Music-bar
> Subject: Re: Akai MPC Key 61 - thoughts?
> > From what I gather from the reviews and teardowns, it's a pretty slick piece of gear. The one thing I noticed was that you're buying into a bespoke ecosystem, with bespoke plugins, and possibly limited hardware resources. On the other hand, that bespoke product is an MPC, and you don't want to do every single thing with a single piece of gear anyway.
> > 
> Yeah - that’s a good point, it was one of the cons of our discussion this morning, that - while it seems powerful - a lot of the demos we looked at were with plugins that were an extra cost.
> I wonder what they’re using for the plugin technology.  Seems like a no-brainer to be using something like JUCE, especially given its ARM support is pretty good .. (Building LMN3-DAW in the background as I  type..)
> Nevertheless, the KEYS 61 has been ordered and is on its way.  Going to be interesting to review it.  I probably won’t have access to it much, might borrow it for a weekend or so, but yeah .. seems like its going to be a lot of fun.
> j.
>> Jay Vaughan
> ibisum at gmail.com
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