Akai MPC Key 61 - thoughts?

Peter Korsten peter at severity-one.com
Sun Jun 26 15:21:25 CEST 2022

Op 26-6-2022 om 12:30 schreef Jay Vaughan:
> Sitting here with the rest of the guys I make music with, and we’re talking about adding a workstation to the mix - and so far, we’re all pretty sold on the Akai MPC Key 61 .. which to me, seems pretty badass.
> But of course I know the wisdom of music-bar might provide an alternative view.  What do you think - any other options besides the Key 61, such as Yamaha or whatever?  Any gotchas with the plugin purchases and so on?

 From what I gather from the reviews and teardowns, it's a pretty slick 
piece of gear. The one thing I noticed was that you're buying into a 
bespoke ecosystem, with bespoke plugins, and possibly limited hardware 
resources. On the other hand, that bespoke product is an MPC, and you 
don't want to do every single thing with a single piece of gear anyway.

- Peter

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