Eventide Question

Niall Munnelly niall.munnelly at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 02:32:43 CET 2021

Ah, m_ringdelays, perhaps? I just sorta glossed over that suite of
algorithms, figuring they were based on ring modulation (no separate
outputs for up and down).

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 8:27 PM Niall Munnelly <niall.munnelly at gmail.com>

> I know some of y'all are heads.
> Is there a simple frequency shifter algorithm available in the H9 or
> Eclipse products? Basically the relatively affordable stuff?
> I don't see one listed in the Eventide downloads, and online discussions
> seem (rightly, I guess) to focus on pitch-shifting - even when people ask
> about frequency shifter capabilities, other users correct them along the
> lines of "you mean pitch-shifting!"
> I'm looking for one of the oldest solutions in the electronic music
> playbook: a delay with a frequency shifter in its feedback path. Can I
> patch this up with any of these?
> Thanks a lot.
> --
> Yours,
> Niall.
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