New toy on order...

Peter Korsten peter at
Sun Sep 3 22:34:19 CEST 2017

Op 3-9-2017 om 18:38 schreef Joost Schuttelaar:
> Hah! I’d be very happy to print some parts for you guys :) I’ll let you know when the machine is in…

More than anything else, I'd like to have some sort of good tutorial, on 
how to start, how to check your designs without actually printing them, 
and what software to use.

I've ordered some 3D models from Shapeways, but I've never been quite 
happy with either the material, the designs that other people made, or 
both. One thing I still have to finish building is an Australian road 
train; the other models, I've abandoned. So suppose I decide to print a 
model of the RATP MP 89, I'd like to to be better than the, quite 
frankly, crap I got from Shapeways.

By the way, Joost, did anything happen to the Reply-To header? My 
responses go to the author, no longer to the list, and I'm not seeing it 
either in the full RFC 822 headers.

- Peter

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