Simple audio interface

deeplfo deeplfo at
Mon Jan 16 19:25:09 CET 2017

So, I just went through the process of eliminating noise that was picked up by some of the audio cables, that was introduced from some USB connections.  In my case I traced the USB noise to a small 4-port hub.  I replaced the hub and used balanced cables between the main audio interfaces and voila, most of the noise gone.  So definitely change cables to balanced ones, and go for real quality there.  As for the audio interface, I have the Saffire Pro 40 in the main studio, and I got a Scarlett Solo for one of my boys, and am really happy with them.

      From: Joost Schuttelaar <joost at>
 To: Music-bar <music-bar at> 
 Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2017 2:20 AM
 Subject: Simple audio interface
Hi -bar! The two fat 5K LG’s have a downside, apparently that heavy Thunderbolt traffic is a bit audible as static noise on my monitors (annoying). This happens when I just plug the laptop directly from the headphone jack, through about a meter of stereo cable into a TC Electronic Level Pilot, into my monitor speakers.

The wiring is picking it up (can’t hear it with heaphones). So a fully balanced connection will help I think. Plus, I could just connect the interface using the USB-C ports on the back of one of the screens (through a tiny USB-C → USB-A converter).

I’m currently looking at the Focusrite Scarlett2 2i2. Any thoughts? It’s just about getting some simple stereo audio in and out.



Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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