3 things

tom adam tom.adam at thebigear.be
Fri Aug 25 14:52:50 CEST 2017

1) I really like the DTX Multi 12 from Yamaha, but the manual sucks big 
time and the presets are useless. But it's triggering my analog drums, 
9090 and Rm-8 happily now... I like hitting things... euhmm pads.

2) I got an Akai MPK49 keyboard from a friend and now I'm stuck with it. 
Is it worth keeping it? How are the editors and how well does it 
integrate in a DAW? I'm not a piano player, I like hitting things...

3) Also got an Akai S5000. Should I check it out? It has a USB 
connection, but the software doesn't run on Win10?? Anyone played with one?



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