Synth repair info requested

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Sun Oct 16 15:06:27 CEST 2016

Op 15-10-2016 om 22:24 schreef Peter Korsten:

> Are you comfortable with opening it up? Perhaps take a photo of
> how the channels and the headphones are connected to some circuit
> board?
> - Peter

Hi Peter, and all others,

Came home, opened up the synth - as per your advise - and took 
some pics. I also pretended to blow away some dust (there wasn't 
any) and cast a spell ;-)

Then I tried another power supply - again (I had tried 3 others, 
this was nr. 4, but this time I took one with a bit more "Ampere").

After building the synth back together - it worked! Nice stereo 
sound again. I'm not perfectly sure what did it, but I'm a happy 
camper :-)

Thanks everyone for the tips and the advice, especially Peter ;-)

So here's my tip for broken stuff (apart form trying different 
cables): Open up the gear, take some pics, pretend to blow away 
some dust and cast a spell.
Then use another power supply with more Ampere (not Volt!), even 
if you have tried others.

Should do the trick :-)

Cheers everyone,


gert van santen

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