RE: New in Köln

foRUMS 4 punkdISCO forums at
Tue Jan 26 21:16:08 CET 2016

You rock, Kai!

Super please you are having a blast..


> -----Original Message-----
> From: K9 Kai Niggemann [mailto:kai at]
> Sent: 26 January 2016 09:55
> To: Music bar <music-bar at>
> Subject: New in Köln
> Helo guys,
> with all the saddening news, I'd like to tell a few stories of how things
> going for me in Köln so far.
> As you may remember (I posted it briefly) my girlfriend and I moved here
> late last year. We are renting a small studio that will be our workspace
> studio, once we find a real apartment in the vicinity, in a very nice part
> town.
> I have been searching out music venues and concerts, met a number of
> experimental electronic musicians and promoters, artists and interested
> audience. I was invited to "Patchbay", an informal event at the KHM, the
> university for media arts where people with an interest in electronics
> and show off their Easels, Blippoos and related gear and jam. I have a few
> gigs coming up, none fixed in Köln yet, but a good perspective with a lot
> people, so I am confident that will happen, too. Next I'll play in Bonn on
> 30th, with The Dorf, of which I am still a member.
> Our house is in the the back of a building, next to a few others, where
> nice visual artists and their two cute kids are our neighbors. On sunday,
> chatting with the guy of the couple he asked me if I also played a "real"
> instrument -- yes, I said, bass. He was very happy and basically forced me
> come to a band practice with him last night to rehearse for Karneval, the
> biggest event in Köln every year -- where I'll play on a float during the
> Tuesday parade in the "veedel", as the town's quarters are called here,
> veedel has it's own little parade on tuesday after the big one on Monday
> Karneval (Feb 8th).
> I was never into Karneval, but had a hunch that in this city you can't
> avoid it -- I never dreamed that I'd be a part of it, basically  the
second month
> we live here... ;-)
> Not so exciting, but I at least to me this is all uplifting news..;)
> All the best!
> Kai

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