a better SH-101?

K9 Kai Niggemann canine at waf80.de
Fri Jan 23 10:01:25 CET 2015

I think you should keep it and look into getting the Kensington mods (or equivalent) where you get additional control over the filter (a sine oscillator after all).

The 101 sounds like nothing else, I think. 

Sent from my phone

On 23.01.2015, at 09:40, Joost Schuttelaar <joost at joostschuttelaar.nl> wrote:

> On 23 Jan 2015, at 07:52, Nigel Kersten <nigel at 4trak.net> wrote:
>> Lets say I was looking for a more modern equivalent? I have no idea what's out there really after being out of the loop for a long time.
> Minibrute? VCO’s though.
> -- 
> Joost Schuttelaar
> The Hague, NL
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