Once you go mini...

Peter Korsten peter at severity-one.com
Wed Feb 25 23:21:29 CET 2015

ibi sum schreef op 25-2-2015 om 22:38:

> Seriously though, glad to hear you got your miniPC set up and running .. very nice to hear.

Google is your friend.

One thing I've realised is that I'm pretty good at finding things via 
the internet. Google has been pretty much indispensable in that. Case in 
point: I found my wife via the internet, although that was using ICQ. 
That one model train that went out of production 10 years ago? I'll find 
it, and for a nice price, too.

So I take my 20+ years experience with Unix, even though I'm mostly an 
analyst/developer, and look up what I need to know - and nothing more. I 
don't know how all the init scripts work on the various Linux editions, 
and I don't care either.

This way of working has served me well. With this particular box, the 
challenge lay in dealing with two network interfaces, using DHCP both as 
a client and a server, and proxying using Apache to the Zyxel router 
(still not working, they have some serious issues with content type and 
such) and the cameras. I've set up Apache as a reverse proxy before, but 
I still look it up via Google, because it's easier than having to 
remember it. And I may run into something interesting I hadn't seen before.

You could say that Google has become part of my memory, including the 
things that I have yet to remember.

The challenge is now to harden this Linux box. I had to switch off 
SElinux and iptables completely, even though I couldn't find any reason 
why the latter would not take requests on port 80.

- Peter

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