Re: The Security Übermensch

diode diodeladder at
Mon Jul 28 17:10:11 CEST 2014

I know, I resurrect a thread, I'm just wadding thru my unread mail… ;) (yup I'm alive)

Le 6 sept. 2013 à 06:36, ibi sum a écrit :

> Andy T, how go your political activities? I note with interest the growing membership in the Pirate Party here in Austria.. I'm really pretty sure that there will be an uprising against those who believe they have some terrorist-given right to intrude on the lives of others for the sake of security, but what form that change is going to take, I do not know .. Witnessing the subversion of human communication for totalitarian purposes, I'm fairly concerned that education is the answer as well as the problem.

As co-founder of the french PP, and former member of the swiss party, I can not agree more. though education won't do everything, we have to gather either a political force, or a pressure group big enough to stop this madness. In France, they are about to decide to filter the net altogether, as if we do not know it's of no use… And HADOPI is still around even if the government is slowly killing the Autority (way too slowly). Not to mention TAFTA looming. 

French PP has virtually committed suicide in october 2012, too keep things short: the direction has been fired (for being too intelligent I guess), new statutes accepted (to kill effective democratic control of internal procedures and destroy the national level), 30 months later, the number of member has plummeted, still no one elected, they screwed up the european elections and are under journalist embargo for issuing stupid press releases. Maybe we'll start something over soon. (6 years of work destroyed… sigh) I'm still member but it's political (the "maybe we can save the boat" option, though I don't believe it can be done since 2012).

The swiss PP is on a dangerous trajectory, with the same kind of internal stupidities and "bullet in the head as it's so stupid" ideas, and just plain political errors. I won't pay my membership 2014. A close friend, who was he head of my cantonal party and VP of the federal structure just pulled off and now will go on polls as independent.

Fortunately, others like the Germans or Czechs keep the flame burning. I don't know where the swedes are up to now, my last meetings with Amelia or Rick are a bit too old.

diodeladder at

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