"experimental stuff" (was: London Accomodation?)

Michael Zacherl mubar04 at blauwurf.at
Sat Jul 12 13:14:53 CEST 2014

On 18.Jun 2014, at 19:49 , Rom MUSIC BAR <xtechcode at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> It would be cool to be able to hear (online) your experimental stuff :) 

Alas, I don't have any recordings from this play.
But I did a duo performance w/ Paul Gründorfer at the Electroacoustic Music Festival last June,
which then was broadcasted on radio Ö1 a couple of days ago.
I put a recording from the radio for you here: http://mz.bluemole.com/d/fuenf_fenster_elak-50_radio_oe1-20140621.mp3

// Personal radio recording of the live performance on June 21 2014.

// Michael Zacherl: scivolo

// Paul Gründorfer: electronic devices

// Multi-channel projection: Wolfgang Musil

// Tonmeister on site: Olaf Schuberth

// Presenter/Ö1: Ursula Strubinsky

expect some noise!

> On 17 Jun 2014, at 16:49, Michael Zacherl <mubar04 at blauwurf.at> wrote:
>> Alas funding is very low and we/I have to look for ourselves for places to stay.
>> Any hints where to go 'on the cheap' (haha) but avoid couch surfing, if possible?


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