If you could design a music product ..

foRUMS 4 punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Tue Jan 7 21:25:17 CET 2014

Hey Jay

> What would it take to convince you to do a short video of the salient
> features, in 2 minutes or less?  Like, just a quick blurt through the thing..
> (Roland) thing ..

This vid shows the main concept:


btw, I put the wrong Intellijel link up.  This is their new 185 style sequencer:


The 185 concept this so much fun is that each step has between 1 and 8 "Pulse Counts" and, you determine how these are played using the Gate Mode.

Example A:
Step 1	: 	Pulse Count=1	: Gate Mode=Single [Note C]
Step 2	: 	Pulse Count=1	: Gate Mode=Single [Note D]
Result	: 	Normal 2 step sequence [C   D]

Example B:
Step 1	: 	Pulse Count=3	: Gate Mode=MultiTrig [Note C]
Step 2	: 	Pulse Count=1	: Gate Mode=Single [Note D]
Result	: 	Normal 4 step sequence [CCCD]

Example C:
Step 1	: 	Pulse Count=3	: Gate Mode=First Note Only [Note C]
Step 2	: 	Pulse Count=1	: Gate Mode=Single [Note D]
Result	: 	4 step sequence [C--D]

Then there are a few other Gate Modes (some not in the Intellijel design).

Intellijel have also included a slide which would be sexy.

You also need some control over the max step length otherwise you start to get 7 step sequences etc.

Btw, this is the Max version I use:


Then there is the one that I don’t use but has even more Gate Modes:

0- Nothing happens
 1- One note is played using it's own duration
 A- On each step a note is played using it's own duration
 D- A note is played during the whole stage
 L- Legato mode. Previous stages with a D or L effect will wait to send their note-off MIDI signals until a stage with another effect than L is played. In the L stage a new note is played during the whole stage. This should be used in combination with a mono-synth.
 S- A note is played on each step according to the 'Duty cycle' setting. 
 3- There are 3 notes played, dividing the stage in 3 equal parts


> > But whatever it is you do Jay, I will be fabulous!!
> > Paul
> Yes you will be!  :)

Ah!!!  Bad typo  :(


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