Most common music-bar synth?

Peter Korsten peter at
Tue Sep 24 21:52:02 CEST 2013

Op 24-9-2013 13:51, Jay Vaughan schreef:

>> The problem with this is that you first need to have some abstract model of each synth, and that you need to translate what "set filter to 127" means on synth A to what it means on synth B. And then there's the issue of missing features between two different synths.
> So we just build a back-end that allows the users to map "Filter Q" on Synth A to "Filter Q" on Synth B .. ;)

It's certainly feasible, provided you don't go and over-engineer the 
thing. For one, you should not want to have a perfect mapping, because 
that would imply having to make a mathematical model of the filter 

We had a workshop about simplicity today (in a general business sense). 
I love simplicity. I strongly believe that the basis of a successful 
software product is simplicity.

- Peter

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