Invitation Music Party October 5th, 2013, Wageningen, the Netherlands - long post, must read

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Mon Sep 9 09:23:34 CEST 2013

Op 9-9-2013 2:04, Tony Hardie-Bick schreef:
> On 09/09/13 00:52, Michael Zacherl wrote:
>> On 8.9.2013, at 16:42 , Gert van Santen wrote:
>>> Rolf wil be there to do video for people who like it, and
>>> anyone can do their own stuff :-)
>> will Rolf be at the rehearsals?
>> And: I'd find it great if we managed to integrate 'stuff'
>> (music, noise etc.), such as to avoid too big breaks/gaps,
>> so only have some planned intermissions.
> yeah - if i had one request for the whole event it would be
> continuity.
> this is what makes a show
> it doesn't have to be slick, it just means the audience is never
> watching someone
> untangle their guitar lead

Haha, you're being very optimistic :-)

I do appreciate the idea, though. It would be awesome if we could 
organize it this way. As I mentioned to Michael, though, it all 
depends on how many musicians we get.

Personally, I'm not against having certain "acts" doing more gigs 
in between, because there's a good chance that not everyone will 
be there from 14:00-late.

> someone is being creative, somehow, all the time.
> then the real breaks make a lot more sense, too

I'm open to all good ideas.

Let's not forget, though, that this is also a "party", and I feel 
that musicians and non-musicians alike should have a relaxed day.



gert van santen

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