iPad Air

Jay Vaughan seclorum at mac.com
Sun Nov 3 17:40:34 CET 2013

> Sonar has since 2008 been misbehaving to such an extent that I've decided to go the Mac & Logic way. Doubtless that combination will introduce a different set of frustrations, but I simply can't go on with Sonar anymore, as I've lost my work because of it crashing too may times than I care to remember. 

I am finding that Reaper simply is an ass-kicking DAW of choice on my new MBP, fwiw.  The new MIDI editing features are pretty coherent.. give it a try if you haven’t, and want to avoid the massive cost of Logic while being pleasantly surprised at just how competitive REAPER is, in the grand scheme of things: http://reaper.fm/

Incidentally, I caution you guys against getting a really, really big disk as your first-use disk - better to have the biggest disk be your backup drives.  I hope 1TB worth of data can be backed up in an hour or so, eh?  I guess a couple TB’s of SSD is worth the investment, anyhow .. I use small disk sizes in my most-used drives.  Safety first.


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