Mac Book Pro 17" battery life?

K9 Kai Niggemann kai at
Sat Sep 1 22:00:51 CEST 2012

are ther more people using a current 17" than Jay and me? 

What's your battery lifetime?

mine is down from something that seemed long to something that feels very short. I'd say it used to be over 4 hours, now realistically it's at about 3. It used to be much longer and I wonder what's causing this. Sometimes my book feels very sluggish to a point where I started reinstalling the OS, but didn't do it after downloding the installer twice, only went through some of Onyx' options instead -- that seems to have helped a bit, but the computer is much slower than Snow Leopard (I get many spinning pizzas...!)

Does anyone have any ideas what I should try?


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