!@#!@$ interview question, wtf ..

Andrew Tarpinian EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Oct 18 19:01:57 CEST 2012

On Oct 18, 2012, at 12:28 PM, K9 Kai Niggemann <canine at waf80.de> wrote:

> At first I thought wtf?? but then, epsecially after James' story I realize that questions like this can really give you some pretty good insights into the problem solving strategies a person might employ.
> After we hired two interns for projects who turned out to be total flukes (both guys, the third one a girl is really awesome!), maybe we should start thinking about questions like this to ask people before we hire them (hire=yes we pay our interns, a rare thing in theater. Badly but at least we do unlike most others...)

Those interview questions are a subject to themselves in business. There are tons of books on them... I believe the Microsoft ones are the most famous. 

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