Analog Four

punkdISCO forums at
Wed Nov 14 20:20:32 CET 2012

Tony wrote:

“I am on the fence.  The price is right, but I have a terrible love/hate relationship with Elektron gear”

Its fantastic that they have done this but Im on Tony's fence until more details/audio come out..

I also have mixed feelings about Elektron.  On one had the MD sounds awful in most people's hands but then someone releases a clip and I think "wow, the MD really does ROCK".  I have the MM keyboard its only a 3 octave MIDI controller these days - it just feels a little bit too complicated to ever justify using it properly..

As stated previously: Obviously the sound will be key..  Let’s hope it’s not another Moog clone and that they have the balls to be different, aka Arturia..

Could be exciting..!!!

Text SLUT to: 29 7 29 7
Here’s the video:

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