Question PC Laptop for work

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Nov 13 15:24:08 CET 2012

Op 13-11-2012 14:53, Joost Schuttelaar schreef:
> MacBook Air and Retina are non-upgradeable memory-wise. With both the SSD is hard to upgrade as well (small form factor). MacBook Pro non-retina and Mac Mini you can upgrade. Note that the HD's are a bit inaccessible in the Mac Mini (memory is easy).

OK, guys,

This has been very illuminating and informative.

I think I'm back with the Macbook Pro 13" i7 again.

Now I need to check my finances :-)

Thanks all, and cheers!!!

PS, I won't be buying for at least another couple of days, so I 
will think about any other advise or thought that might come in 
at a later moment.

gert van santen

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