new track

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Thu May 31 15:34:57 CEST 2012

Op 31-5-2012 14:23, K9 Kai Niggemann schreef:
> wow. Thanks a lot for the feedback.
> I might need to rework the whole thing -- it's live dubbed into
> the FX,

Ah, I see. Well, that's a different situation, and I think you 
did well considering this. It can be a real challenge to mix your 
parts when doing live overdubs.

I remember in the beginning of the eighties I made my demo's 
using an LP record with drums on it. I recorded the drums 
together with my guitar, then recorded strings (Old heavy Hohner 
box), and lastly I would do the vocals.
Recordings were done on a borrowed Akai reel to reel tape 
recorder using the "Sound On Sound" option - which always meant 
that the first recordings were drowning in the more recent ones. 
The mixes were sort of, well, muffled.

then recorded -- so there is no separate front and back,
> just guitar noises *sent* into the dub...

Very cool idea :-)

> Let me listen to it again. It's a bit of a fast work (long
> preparation, then three live runs to get it recorded with Ableton
> and an APC40), so you might be right -- it might be too painful.
> let me see if I can still stand it tomorrow....;)

Haha, good luck :-)

gert van santen

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