Peter Korsten peter at severity-one.com
Thu Mar 15 15:53:05 CET 2012

2012/3/15 Romain / rXg <xtechcode at gmail.com>

> I know what you mean :) but still you can recognized the good songs from
> the less good songs from the same album ( why everything should be perfect
> perfect perfect ? )  :)

It's not that they're not perfect: they're filling material. They're not
fundamentally different from the stuff that stereos come packed in. The
songwriter/artist doesn't care, it's just to get to 40 minutes of music.

> you mentioned Marillion I know the band by name i tried so many time to
> find a song to convince me but i never found one,
> Could you advice me your top 3 Marillion songs?  :)

Um, no, not really. The point is that with Marillion, it IS actually worth
it listening to an entire album. For example, if you listen to 'Kayleigh'
(probably their biggest hit) it starts strange if you don't play 'Pseudo
Silk Kimono' before.

The exceptions to the above are certain live albums that, strangely enough,
consist of individual tracks, and 'B'sides Themselves'.

If you must listen to individual songs, try 'Script for a Jester's Tear'
and 'Forgotten Sons', or perhaps 'Grendel'. I like 'Assassing' as well,
particularly the keyboard solo. I also like 'Hotel Hobbies/Warm Wet
Circles/That Time of the Night', but those are three songs that morph from
one into another.

Please note that, in the above, I disregard anything from after Fish left
the group. Hogarth is not a bad singer, but I can never understand what
he's singing. Take for example "Cover my Eyes", which Hogarth somehow turns
into "Hovah mah ah". With Fish, on the other hand, you can understand every
individual word.

- Peter
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