New Video: Beat Me (Feed Me) - Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II

punkdISCO forums at
Sun Jun 3 13:44:16 CEST 2012

Please ask a grownup before playing this track..


Started off as a Korg Sigma demo track called "Beat Me", demonstrating the
rhythmic beating you get on the Sigma's Ring Mod which you can tempo sync by
carefully riding the Pitch Bend stick (patched to just the single Instrument
oscillator).  Anyway, singer (Leah) liked the track name and came up with
some lyrics..


Main synth line: single mono Sigma track, mostly a single held note, riding
the Pitch Stick to control the oscillator beating. Tiny amount of EQ bass
roll off and small compression but no more effects or processing, so you
hear the raw synth..  [Correction: some chorus applied for the occasional


The intention was to record live then let Ableton Live Warping fix the
timing issues.  However, all the Warping types messed up the sound too much
so I had to leave the audio un-Warped and do lots of old-school cutting up
of the WAVs.  Because of this (and my laziness) the tempo is out in places..


Strings: mono Korg 900ps + chorus


Drums: NI Maschine (sorry, I was feeling lazy!)


God Save the Queen.  60 years of her reigning over us, her royal servants..




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Here's the video:

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