Virus TI2 or Arturia Origin?

Andrew Tarpinian andrewtarpinian at
Thu Jul 12 21:47:33 CEST 2012

On Jul 12, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Tony Scharf wrote:
> There is one dimension you can't really get into with a modular synth
> at anything approaching a reasonable cost:  Polyphony.   If you ever
> want to play even just duo-phonically, the costs are doubled and there
> are very few modular controllers which capable of handling it anyway.

you can do poly with expert sleepers - then if you have multiple oscs, filters, envs, vcas, etc... enough to create a couple voices... you can get away with it - they wont be exact duplicate voices but you can probably get them close enough, and the little variation will most likely make it more interesting. I tried it with my VM-1, VCOb, Korgasmatron, Double Andore and it worked pretty good, had a few kinks with note priority I need to figure out. The Korgas and DA are perfect actually for setting up duo, you just need 2 osc's - you can also use filters that self oscillate as well etc...

> My major issue with the virus is it's cost.  It seems to have gotten
> more and more expensive over the years particularly in comparison to
> it's competition. The Blofeld, UltraNova or even the Alesis Micron are
> better competition than their price would indicate.  I think the Korg
> Radias really compares well with a much more aggressive sound.

I would say the 4 synths you mentioned, while good in their own right, are not in the same league as the virus IMO. I was gonna say I think it warrants the price, but then I looked! I think your right, it got more expensive, I don't remeber how much my KC was but I think street was cheaper than $3135 (I did actually get it for the price of a desktop unit at the time because the guy at GC put the wrong price in the order :)

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