international characters on qwerty-kbd?

Michael Zacherl mubar04 at
Tue Aug 28 12:33:41 CEST 2012

On 28.8.2012, at 12:20 , Gert van Santen wrote:

> Op 28-8-2012 12:12, Marek Szulen schreef:
>> /In case of Polish it shouldn't be a problem when you set the
>> keyboard as "polish programmer".

BTW, Marek, what's "polish programmer"? (forgot to ask)

>> Then you get polish diactrics
>> just holding down the right ALT and pressing corresponding
>> letters like L for Ł or O for Ó etc. and you can still write in
>> english too (as no diactrics)./
>> /However, I don't know how to make it more universal (probably as
>> you said - the old way..) without changing the kbd layout every
>> time.../
> Yes, that's what I'm always using. Just the alt key and then some sign or letter. Seems to work nicely...

ok, you're typing on a qwerty-kbd?
But you don't use umlauts and accents, or am I mistaken?
what's your locale setting in Windows?

Bad that I just can't test that since I've neither an english keyboard nor Vista ...

nonconform? noiseconform:

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