Pussies behind Pussy Riot

punkdISCO forums at punkdisco.co.uk
Sun Aug 19 20:55:49 CEST 2012

Hey Gert/Joost/Peter etc..

Thanks for listening..

Yeah, they do rock - wish I understood what they were singing about but
perhaps they language mystery is what makes them appealing..

Kind of the opposite with my obsession with Jacques Brel who, I have loved
since a teenager; perhaps one of my all-time idols..  Anyway, about 5 years
ago it dawned on me that I knew nothing of HIS singing but rather, only the
countless people that had covered him in English.  So, I ordered a CD of 30+
of his classics, original recordings and to be honest, it did very little
for me.  I was almost disappointed in myself for not liking him until I
realised that his power is in the strength of his ability to tell stories.
I don't speak French so this versions lose the power of the story..
Obviously there are lots of his original songs that I still love when I know
the story, such as:

http://youtu.be/za_6A0XnMyw  (how can anyone watch this without getting
goose bumps!  More so when you know the story, told by his daughter, of when
his wife first heard the song and the look on utter sorrow from his wife as
she realised that the song was not written about her..  Very tragic)

And then there is Amsterdam:

http://youtu.be/95k556aQLUU  (Who the feck else in the world was doing this
in the early 1960s?!!)

but I digress :)

Text SLUT to: 29 7 29 7
Here's the video:  www.youtu.be/Zl0PTZKy7fg

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