DIY sysex fader box status and questions.

Jay Vaughan jayv at
Sat Apr 21 09:41:26 CEST 2012

> The values I should see are like this:
> 2 bits per encoder
> Sequence CW rotation:
> 00 10 11 01
> Sequence CCW rotation:
> 00 01 11 10
> But between each step I see 11, as this is the value when the encoder is not turned.
> Now, how does one cope with this behaviour?
> Should I only check for the 10 -> 01 or 01 ->10 transitions? Am I not loosing too much accuracy this way? (I can test this pretty easy I think, but I thought I ask first.)

I don't think you're going to lose too much accuracy by converting the 4 bytes to a word, and using it as a plain old number.  This number, if you get it, tells you what direction the knob is turned.  Don't put too much pressure on bit-ops, just convert to a word and use that word in your switch statement ..

Jay Vaughan

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