DIY sysex fader box status and questions.

tom adam tom.adam at
Fri Apr 20 10:57:55 CEST 2012


Still working on the sysex arduino sketch for my JD-990. (which sounds 
awesome, and indeed, the vintage card has some cool sounds, thanks James!)

I have a question...
I have an arduino program that reads 32 digital inputs with a shiftIn 
function. See attachment.
I end up with 4 bytes.
The values I should see are like this:
2 bits per encoder
Sequence CW rotation:
00 10 11 01
Sequence CCW rotation:
00 01 11 10
But between each step I see 11, as this is the value when the encoder is 
not turned.
Now, how does one cope with this behaviour?
Should I only check for the 10 -> 01 or 01 ->10 transitions? Am I not 
loosing too much accuracy this way? (I can test this pretty easy I 
think, but I thought I ask first.)
The same question for reading the push buttons (encoders, all read into 
byte 3).  They transmit a 1 all the time, only a 0 when pressed. (so 
this is easy, I just check for 0's and change the value (on to off or 
off to on) when a 0 is present.)
Keep in mind that the serial print of the attach sketch takes some time, 
so some values are not displayed. I use a 74HC165 as shown on the ucapps 
website. www.*ucapps*.de
I'm not a programmer, so maybe my code is to complex for what I'm doing. 
If this is the case I'd like to hear this.

Any pointers appreciated!

Next step is to calculate "pot" values and calculate the sysex string 
and put it in a buffer. I guess I have to go from using bytes to arrays 
at this point....
I hope to get this done this weekend. If all goes well I hope to have 
something working by the end of this year ;-)


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