Wave World tour schedule

Peter Korsten peter at severity-one.com
Mon Apr 16 18:09:08 CEST 2012

Op 16-4-2012 8:19, Gert van Santen schreef:

> Years ago, we invented names for the three high priests of Wave World. I am Pbalris, Harry is Kgevenisandi, and Rolf is Safandjaro. Probably sounds a bit strange, but we are used to it :-)

Oh, OK. I just thought that Kgevenisandi looked a bit like 'Gert van 

> And we've never played in supermarkets, but I did a gig in a record store once (or actually twice), but only once with Wave World. That was weird.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_for_Supermarkets :)

- Peter

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