Animoog + Eigienharp pico

Fri Oct 28 23:36:51 CEST 2011

On 28.10.2011 14:03, Peter Korsten wrote:
> I think that some of the more expensive Yamahas from the early 1980s,
> such as the DX-1, had polyphonic aftertouch as well. And whilst it looks
> cool at first glance, I wonder how useful it is to be able to have a
> different pressure per note. You need pretty good muscle control and
> hearing, for starters.

I imagine it takes quite a bit of practice to really control pressure on 
each finger, but imagine modulating the bass with your left hand while 
you play something else with your right hand, and it suddenly sounds a 
lot more manageable. For me, the key benefit would be that I can choose 
NOT to modulate certain tones in a chord.


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