Census 2011

Sat Mar 12 11:47:48 CET 2011

On 12/03/2011 09:28, punkdISCO wrote:
> What happens if you don't return it?  Do you get banged in the slammer?
> Its currently in my ignore pile.
> When it comes to post, I only have 1 pile..

If you don't return it, they will probably send out another one to your 
address, with some kind of higher level semi-threat attached, using 
weird colours on the envelope and documents enclosed that are somehow 
supposed to elevate above a request and instil fear in the potential 
respondent. lol.

The chances of _anything_ like a fine are about as low as winning a top 
2 amount on the lottery, so you decide.
Nobody has ever gone to prison for Census evasion, at least in my lifetime.
Those people who have been fined (none of which were fined £1000, but 
more like £50-150) must have responded with obvious fake answers, sent a 
letter of complaint or such back and stuck to not filling it in, or 
revealed their identity and their refusal to answer it. Nobody who 
ignored it utterly has been fined. The corporation dealing with the 
census has instructions and guidelines and will only chase the easy 
cases to prove.

Remember. The declaration you sign converts the Census into an affidavit 
of truth. You don't lie on one of them, as if it is proven, it is an act 
of perjury! It is sneaky beyond belief!
If you don't reACT, they really have no lawful power to do anything but 
try and convince you otherwise with any sneaky method at their disposal.

If some idiot stooge comes round your door, say nothing and shut it, or 
say "No Thanks", "Fuck off" (not very polite), "I already have one of 
those" or "I do not consent", "The householder is unavailable", or act 
crazy, but DO NOT reveal your name!! That verbally contracts you and 
they can ACT on that contract!! (ridiculous, but true)

I am NOT a lawyer, obviously ;) but I am doing my best to explain the 
facts, based on past Census responses and actual fine information freely 

My son has been hassled by a company acting on behalf of the NHS 
(Inpatient Survey) who are feigning authority and hiding away the fact 
that you have no obligation to respond. This survey is incredible!!
The heading letter has in bold "Patient feedback, second reminder"
Sound familiar??
There are 37 questions, but many of these are subdivided, making a total 
of 72 questions. Many of the final questions relate to personal info. 
such as age, sex, sexual preference, religion, ethnicity etc. and just 
for the icing on the cake, a waiver to allow them to effectively pass 
this info to a third party! Arrgh. No thanks.
The timing is either very unfortunate, or designed to coincide with the 
Census to confuse and escalate presumed authority, no doubt.
I'm very concerned also, because the form and cover letter are coded via 
image (SHA?) and two numbers which means the results can easily be tied 
to the original persons name and address. I don't trust this at all, 
regardless of assurances. I knows what computers is like, umm, 
especially databases, you um know ;)
Plus, the NHS passed this data on without permission to the best of my 


For that one.

Your information is valuable.
It is an asset and is traded.
The data protection act is widely ignored as ineffectual, imho..

And as a final note.
There is big movement to boycott the census on various grounds from 
intrusion, invasion of privacy, the attached unlawful threat of penalty, 
the links to Lockheed Martin, the waste of money.
More reasons not to comply than to be a sheep.
And Lockheed Martin have been paid up front, so you are wasting NO 
taxpayer (whatever that title means) money by non-compliance.
You are not alone.
I predict much larger non-compliance than the last one (3,000,000 or so 
no response or spoiled then)
But who knows.
Maybe the fear has gripped too many to make a difference? :(

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