eBay Feedback - can I call a liar a liar?

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Mar 3 09:35:32 CET 2011

> He has not paid yet but I did open an ebay dispute immediately.  Time
> will tell if he does do refund.  I wont leave feedback until all the
> issues are resolved or concluded..

Don't leave it too long, you only have 45 days which soon gets used up and then you can’t leave any feedback. Make sure you don’t get strung along.

I don’t think you were too badly done over here and you have the unit 100% now. It's probably the only one in the World that's 100% now LOL.

There are always nob heads on eBay and it's only a matter of time before you meet one.  I've met a few but then I have 600 odd transactions.

Rearrange these words into a well known phrase: Chalk to experience up it.



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