MIDI over ethernet?

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jul 21 14:56:41 CEST 2011

Op 21-7-2011 14:43, Tony Scharf schreef:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:13 AM, Jay Vaughan<jayv at synth.net>  wrote:
>> Try the Wifi, but if all you want is MIDI sync, why don't you just pull a proper MIDI cable between each other?  I don't get whats wrong with a normal MIDI cable ..
> Nothing - and that would be our preference.  But both laptops only
> have two USB ports on them, and we each have two controllers that we
> use that don't offer external MIDI ports (which really makes me
> crazy).  If we can't get the ethernet sync to work (and the testing I
> did last night didn't look promising) than we will both probably need
> to change our controller setups or put a hub in our setups, which I
> definitely don't like.
> You know, it is a wonder (or maybe it isn't) than none of the
> controller makers have put bluetooth or some other wireless protocol
> on their controllers.  Certainly bluetooth, wifi (or maybe ant?) has
> enough bandwidth to support a couple simple controllers and the
> minimal data stream they would create.  Or maybe, I just don't know.

I would still try a powered USB-hub. I think it's the cheapest, 
safest and easiest solution.



gert van santen

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