Interesting article about Google and h.264

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Jan 17 00:29:40 CET 2011

Op 17-1-2011 0:21, James R. Coplin schreef:

> You said mid to high. ;)  The performance of the i5 series is so absurdly
> high, there are far fewer LGA1366 boards.  The point is, firewire is not

Yeah, I had to really look for my Supermicro LGA 1366. ;) The 
performance is great, but since all other components in the system are 
kinda old, it still doesn't feel too spiffy.

Having said that, the Core i7 860 I have at work (LGA 1156, 2.8 GHz) 
still manages to feel somewhat slow at times, even though it has a 
10,000 RPM disc. I already pointed out that an SSD drive would make much 
more sense on a machine that mostly does compiling, but apparently those 
were too expensive.

> ubiquitous or common as it certainly could have been if Apple hadn't messed
> it up with licensing.  I suspect a couple more release cycles and less than
> 1/2 of Apple products will have it either.  A quick look at external hard
> drives etc. shows it is running behind USB and about to be surpassed by
> eSata.

True. Firewire may be all wonderful and such, but so was SCSI (yet 
another Apple invention that never quite made it out of a niche market) 
at some point. I don't think that Firewire will completely disappear, if 
only because it's the only serial connector that doesn't involve a 
master-slave relationship, but it will be pushed more and more into a 
small niche like audio interfaces - until such time that something 
better gets invented. Who knows, maybe we'll be running multi-channel 
audio over HDMI one day.

Unless Apple invents and patents that, of course. ;)

- Peter

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