BBC News - CES 2011: Microsoft shows Windows running on Arm chips

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jan 7 17:56:47 CET 2011

Op 7-1-2011 14:31, Martin Naef schreef:

> I don't think fat binaries will be missed. The way I understand it, the
> point of Windows on ARM isn't to run old applications unmodified. Given
> that they target Windows on ARM to support new form factors (e.g.
> tablets), the UI wouldn't be suitable anyway.
> For any new developments, you're likely to work in the .NET world where
> the JIT compiler takes care of any processor-specific things, so you're
> architecture independent from day 0.

On a side note, is there a lot of difference between developing between 
OS X and iOS? Because there's one very important strategic asset that 
Microsoft has, it's millions of developers. If they can move to a mobile 
platform whilst using the frameworks and APIs they're familiar with, 
that would be a very big advantage for Microsoft.

- Peter

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