MIDI Sequencers

Mon Jan 3 11:39:00 CET 2011


> Garageband does MIDI, and you (possibly) already have it installed.

Alas, " you can connect a MIDI device to GarageBand and play
GarageBand's instruments with it, but you can't have GarageBand
transmit data back to the MIDI "

What I'm trying to do is get MIDI files, edit them into monophonic
parts, and use them to demo my synth projects.
So, MIDI "out" is key.

> Failing that, get Reaper, its got superlative MIDI features:
> http://cockos.com/

That looks the ticket, though right now $150 is a LOT of money...
That said, I believe I fall into the "discount" pricing.

> Numerology seems pretty popular these days, btw ..
> http://www.five12.com/

it looks good, though one thing I want to avoid is stepsequencers.
I'll have a look and down a trial version.

> You could also try Intuem, I had a lot of fun with that a year or so ago and it has matured immensely since then:
> http://www.intuem.com/main/index.html

I got to say that looks really good, seems to do everything I want and
a bunch more (the scoring would be a welcome feature).

Thanks, a lot to look at.


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