RPM Challenge

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Feb 3 23:23:05 CET 2011

This world is a village. Unfortunately not THAT small (I haven't met him) but he lives just around the corner from our Essen venue Folkwang University. Maybe you'd like to invite him to our dates on the 18th and 19th of February at the Pina Bausch Theater in Essen Werden (at Folkwang University)?

His track is really awesome! Keeping up the good sense of humor since 1983, I guess.;-)


On 03.02.2011, at 11:51, Chris Strellis wrote:

> Hi Kai,
>> Oh, I wish. I only read about it, I was working in Essen (500 km from
>> Berlin). it wasn't *that* loud..;)
> I know Essen is a large place but I've been corresponding with a guy
> called Clark Stiefel. He lives at Schuetzdellerweg in Essen.
> He did this (infamous) video which I think is awesome.
> Synthpop 's Alive (Remix)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LXOuDXzIL8
> He actually bought a PG800 cable off me a year ago. Recently I sent him
> a DVD with a load of nice synth videos on it and he sent me his new
> Synthpop album back which is fantastic.
> http://www.maisonvague.com/home/home.html
> Which is getting good reviews
> <http://pansentient.com/2011/02/maison-vague-synthpops-alive/#more-4832>
> Cheers
> Chris
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