subnotebook/netbook w/ linux 4 electronic music?

Fri Aug 26 19:37:16 CEST 2011

> On the sc-users list there have been several people asking questions along the lines of: What distribution should I use; How can I set it up so that when I plug it in my sound/light installation starts automatically, runs overnight, and can reboot if the cleaner switches it off before the exhibition opens the next day.

with cryopid, obviously:

> These issues relate to generative systems (otherwise, one would just use an MP3 player), and the questions are just beginning to be asked, because enough sc users are also artists who create these kinds of installations (a small sample from a very big population).

I think if someone made a smart little keyboard with a synth-oriented user interface, it would work.  Shades of Hartmann, yeah (it used a similar config as being described: Linux hosting custom synth software) .. but just set up for puredata/supercollider .. sure.  Why not build it.

> But also, more generally, if one considers the aesthetic appeal of gear in terms of colours, lights, all kinds of interrelated things going on, then, the ability for the designer to address questions such as: Should I connect the 1kW bright blue spot to the 1Hz LFO, (as opposed to: okay, does the nyquist criterion apply in the feedback loop of a frequency modulated oscillator), means that more art gets done.

a linux box with a small screen, tons of knobs, and a small 4 octave keyboard .. nice idea.

It so happens you can get exactly this with something like an Open Pandora + Korg LPK-125 + supercollider.pnd/puredata.pnd

> Hopefully all this would apply not just to generative systems, or new keyboard instruments, but break down the difficulty so that new thinking about sound, music and how people interact/relate to them become possible.

pick a platform, code to expand, repeat until done.

Jay Vaughan

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