subnotebook/netbook w/ linux 4 electronic music?

Tony Hardie-Bick EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Aug 26 15:22:28 CEST 2011

"Marc Nostromo [M-.-n]" <marc.nostromo at> wrote:
>and this makes me think it would make a good contender for a generic
>base to write "hardware" synth for (which is something that I can't get
>my mind lately).

Similar here. The framework that takes 99.6% of all synth coding effort has put me off till now (and the absence of any well adopted framework AND is designed well, does audio correctly, and is open source). 

But now I have an equation which goes something like: sc + laptop + arduino.

The laptop is possibly just the mobo stripped from something 2nd hand and maybe attached to a big sheet of copper, one side, glass the other, plus gratuitous LEDs. The actual design really does then become design, and one builds one's unique visions on the shoulders of giants, WITHOUT compromising pro audio quality (oh yeah, you'd need outboard converters too).

This platform will still be current and actively maintained ten years from now, and satisfies my criteria for critical mass (of users and developers) for universal synth hardware platform.

The crucial element being that no coding (except arduino and sc synthdefs) is required. This multiplies the potential number of developers for the hardware, by a factor of several thousand.

Tony (HB)

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